Veteran actress Judi Dench has revealed that the female-heavy cast of Nine got on really well during filming, despite her co-star Sophia Loren saying she expected they would either like or want to 'kill' each other before they started working together.
'You're expected to vie with people, but there was none of that,'Dench, 75, says about the ensemble cast of the new hit musical.
'Sophia said we'd either kill each other or like each other. We liked each other.'
Black Eyed Peas singer Fergie, who plays prostitute Saraghina in the movie, agreed with Dench, saying that she and co-stars, Penélope Cruz,Kate Hudson and Marion Cotillard got on so well they went to a Madonnaconcert during a break in filming.
Fergie, 34, said: 'We went to the Madonna concert, Penélope, myself, Marion and Kate.
“Kate and I went out one night and Marion came. Sunday Rose [co-star Nicole Kidman's daughter] was on set. I always wanted to go talk baby talk to her.'
Fergie also revealed that her husband actor Josh Duhamel loved the extra pounds she gained for her role as Saraghina.
The singer-turned-actress said: 'Physically, Saraghina is… about being Italian and loving food. So, basically, I ate everything I wanted and stopped working out…
'He loves me either way. For him, it didn't really matter.'
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